
Post: Spotted Deer | Wildlife, Size & Reproduction

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Husain, the passionate author behind Biology2Minutes, shares his expertise, love for biology, and dedication to providing informative and engaging content.


Spotted Dear Animal

Spotted Deer | Wildlife, Size & Reproduction


Spotted deer, also known as chital or axis deer, are fascinating creatures. Their distinctive spotted coat helps them blend into their natural habitat, providing a form of camouflage. Spotted deer are mainly found in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan and population is mostly found in India.

Spotted deer are often found in a variety of habitats ranging from dense forests to open grasslands. The diet of this deer consists of grasses, fruits, and shrubs, spotted deer are social animals and are often found in groups, known as herds. These herds can grow into large groups, providing safety in numbers. Spotted deer are known for their agility and speed, making them adept at escaping predators. Spotted deer become prey to lions, tigers, crocodiles, foxes, and pythons. Communication among spotted deer involves a variety of vocalizations, such as alarm calls to warn others about potential threats. These deer are also known for their jumping or “mischief” behavior, where they signal excitement or distress by jumping into the air. Spotted deer can jump 4 to 5 feet Spotted deer play an important role in the ecosystem by influencing vegetation growth through their grazing habits. Male spotted deer usually have antlers, which they shed and regrow annually.

Size and Appearance

Males are up to 90 cm and females are up to 70 cm tall, their weight is up to 60 – 90 kg for males and up to 30 – 50 kg for females, horns are about 3 – 4 feet long and are made of 3 lines, their tail is 7 It is up to 8 inches long. The color of the spotted deer is red-brown and has white spots. The throat, stomach, ears and legs of this deer are white in color.


Within the herd, there is a complex social structure, with females usually forming the herd and males joining during the breeding season. During the mating season or rut, males engage in fierce competition for the attention of females. Their reproduction takes place in 6 months and after birth the newborn remains hidden for 1 week. Male spotted deer can conceive again 2 weeks after giving birth. Their lifespan ranges from 15 to 25 years.


Husain, the passionate author behind Biology2Minutes, shares his expertise, love for biology, and dedication to providing informative and engaging content.

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